
The Suzuki Method

is a method that focuses on a positive learning environment, aural learning, group experience, ability development and the Mother-Tongue approach.
  • Positive Learning Environment: The student can enter into a learning environment where they are safe and are free to discover music.
  • Aural Learning: One of the main facets of learning a language is listening. Similar to learning a language music can be taught through aural emphasis: listening to classical music as well as assigned pieces. The importance of music in our environment is a significant aspect of the Suzuki Method.
  • Group experience: Similar to a school setting, Dr. Suzuki gave much emphasis in learning in groups. Children especially, find much motivation and enjoyment from learning with their peers.
  • Ability Development: The belief that anyone has the ability to learn. This ability is nurtured step-by-step.
  • The Mother Tongue Approach: Dr. Suzuki, the founder, approached violin education in the same way a child learns to speak a language.

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